Monday, August 18, 2008


Crysis Physics Destruction, 2008 YouTube, LLC, accessed 18th August,

Call Of Duty 4: Nuclear Explosion & Aftermath, 2008 YouTube, LLC, accessed 18th August,


theory work


the objects around the explosion has more power than the explosion itself. i will be proving this by building circle made out of cement bricks, with dynamite inside the midlle. then placing objects ranging from small to large around it to see the reaction of the outcome.


observational documentaries - i will be used this mode by when proving my hypothesis i recorded, as i belive that cations speak louder than words. through the explosions i managed to document my hypothesis from various different angles inorder to capture all of the reactions as much as possible.

Final clips

as my hypothesis states, this clip clearly shows the effects of the force created by ecplosions, how it knocks, and causes other things anound it to explode. thus proving my hypothesis that the objects has far more power than the explosion itself

in this clip the explosion caused the cement bricks to fly in a radial formation which had more than enough power to force the objects around it to either explode or forcing it to move, thus proving the hypothesis that, the objects around the explosion has more power

3 x 10


Crysis Physics Destruction, 2008 YouTube, LLC, accessed 18th August,

this is a quick film of mirroring the above machinima clip, it shows the effect of an explosion of cars stacked together. it can be seen the recation and physical properties that gmod allows