Saturday, November 8, 2008


there are two demo's that i have included in a zip folder, which is available for download through filefront.
our group has decided that the demo in the folder named "6 players" is considered our game play experience demo. while the other demo is our "expertise demo" showing our group members involvement within our game

Thursday, November 6, 2008


FINAL ut3 map

this folder also contains the demo files as well, provided along with it the ini files




The game module that we will go about is the ideas of snakes and ladders. The reason we chose this theme is because it is diverse in terms of the options that the player is given such as decision on making to progress to a higher level.
The function of the dice in snakes and ladders, is conveyed in our ut3map as the random choices you decide to take, which will ultimately lead you to either a longer or shorter route, in reaching the rooftop.
The elevators and ramps will represent the ladders as they provide a shortcut, as they will lead you to a shorter route. While the function of snakes is conveyed as detour’s or obstacles provided by trapdoors, and teleports, which will ultimately force you to take a longer route.
Overall the players will be challenged in terms of their own decision making. If they make the right or wrong decision they may find themselves taking a route which will force you to take a longer or shorter to reach the rooftop.

Time-captures (100 words)/design process

In producing our map for unreal tournament we decided to make a whole new environment. This will consist of new passage ways to coordinate with our elevators and ramps, to convey the concepts and ideas behind snakes and ladders within our map. This was done by going back into sold works with the original cut of 323 George street, we then went through each level planning and deciding which routes are longer and shorter, and how that’s accomplished I.e. elevators, ramps, trapdoors, teleports etc.
After planning 12 levels in total, we then decided to alter the design of the building in an attempt to make it look like a sci-fi industrial building, this was reinforced by the use of particles. This design provided us with many cracks within the building, which was then used as detour/obstacles to convey our ideas. With the use of dim lighting within some corridors this made the cracks harder to see, thus providing an even harder obstacles.
Problems with the building that have occurred is while you export you get randomly get walls which become hollow, this has resulted in us experimenting with the export options which had only displayed minor changes. Ultimately we have had to edit the polygons by flipping the faces. Our new model will work effectively with our game as it is a developed to worth with the players environment.




Experimental Matinee

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

model downloads



original model



for this model i had problems with the surface i don't know why this happens and i do not know how to fix it



My original idea was the power of an explosion is only as powerful as the force it creates other objects to cause damage, as seen from my first assignment where dynamite id surrounded by bricks in a way to cause them to be pushed in a radial format when the dynamites explode. This through various experiments showed that the damage caused by the explosion was more powerful only when it had objects to do damage.

I then decided to loft my 42% model in a way which showed the resulting effects of a shrapnel bomb exploding in the middle of the building causing massive damage. As shrapnel bomb causes damage by causing metal objects to fly in a radial format to do the most damage possible. The resulting building shows a rectangular prism where it’s top, sides, front and back show’s a hole caused by the pressure of the bomb to find an exit point. While the inside is shown through the holes, showing the inside all jagged, this was accomplished by the revolving-loft tool where I constantly used this tool lofting the same area, top side and on an angle, producing a jagged interior.

For my 67% model I used the same idea as my 42% i.e. shrapnel bombs exploding, in this model I also used the same method of lofting however I randomly lofted the building in many different places. This is done to show the difference by using the same explosion, however in a different manner. That is the 42% was a massive shrapnel bomb exploding, while the 42% model showed many different sizes of shrapnel bombs exploding at random places. The resulting models proved to be quite interesting.